As some of you may know, our little cidery is simply staffed. In the past, most of the time you would see me, with our good friend Josh on weekends. My wife Erin sneaks in on occasion to bring food and relieve me behind the bar. Thank god she does, or I would never eat.
Josh has moved on, as we always knew he would. He is starting a, what I am sure to be amazing, restaurant in NW. Once he is open, I'll pass it along to everyone. While he was with us, he made a lot of friends and future customers. I know I'll miss playing darts with him on those slow Mondays.
Luckily, we were able to hire someone that we not only trust, but really enjoy working with, Jennie. Jennie is a cider aficionado and has sampled nearly everything we stock. I knew she was good when she volunteered to help with our first, all manual, press. I knew she was really good when she actually showed up, and slaved away with us for a few days.
She started with us about a week or so ago full time. The idea is that I will bartend less, and make cider more. We would like to be able to distribute our kegs by the end of the year.
So, all luck to Josh, and welcome Jennie.
Hey, I am looking forward to calling on your place when I am in Portland in four weeks. Long time Cider drinker from the UK I really want to try some of your locally produced stuff.