Sunday, February 6, 2011

The joy of liquids

Tonight was a good night. And as with any good night, it ended up with me philosophizing while mopping up liquids. Tonight I was mopping up Magners. The bummer with Magners is that the keg takes a Guinness keg fitting. Our kegs take either Corny fittings, American Sankey, Euro Sankey, Bass Tri-tip, and of course Guinness. Going from fitting to fitting is easy enough, unless you cant find the .05 washer that goes inside. I couldn't tonight, so I had myself some puddles to clean up after work.

But it was nothing like the cider lake we cleaned up this past Tuesday.

The idea was to tap a micro, 5L keg of E. Dupont Triple. E. Dupont is a Normandy cider, and the triple has some intense flavor and a hearty 10% ABV. The cider is brilliantly made, and we had been trying to get this keg in since we opened.

My sales guy from Point Blank tapped it at 6pm

By 6:05 it was all over his face, my coolers, the floor, and nooks and crannies that I did not even know existed in my own bar.

We still do not know what happened. A geyser of cider sounds good, in theory, but the actuality of it is quite messy. After all was said and done, we had about 1 liter left, if that. What little we tried though, and what little we were able to share with customers, was amazingly fantastic.

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